Hair Transplant

Discover an Effective Hairline Solution at Our Hair Restoration Clinic in Englewood, NJ

Are you wondering just what you can do about an actively receding hairline? Dr. Kevin Ende, M.D. can offer you a real hairline solution. If you have already tried medical therapies for hair loss such as Propecia, Finasteride, Rogaine, Hydralazine, shampoos, hair lasers, and vitamins, then a consultation for surgical hair transplant at Dr. Ende's clinic in Englewood, NJ is advised.
Dr. Ende offers hair transplants in conjunction with medical therapy. While there is no cure for receding hairlines, hair transplants will mimic your original state more than any other hair replacement therapy. Dr. Ende will use advanced techniques and his keen sense of artistry to restore your hairline as close to its original shape and pattern as possible.

What to expect after your hair transplant

Immediately following your hair transplant, you will have fresh incisions that are clean, but look like a rash. On the second day, a small scab the size of a pin head may be visible and may remain for 2 to 9 days after the hair transplant.

By the 7th to 9th day, your scalp should be virtually scab free. At this point, any hair (not grafts) that did not fall off with the scabs will grow for 3 to 6 weeks before being shed. Your hair will then remain dormant for about 2 months. At 3 months, you will experience slow hair growth. This is what is called the active growth stage. Itching in the recipient area or discomfort in the donor area may occur at this time, but this sensation will pass in a few months. The incision in the donor area will be healed by this stage and will continue to improve. Some patients may develop small pimples (folliculitis) around the transplanted area as hair emerges. If this occurs and persists, please notify Dr. Kevin Ende, M.D. in Englewood, NJ for treatment.
Six months after your hair transplant, approximately 80% of the hairs should have penetrated the skin. However, only 50 to 60 percent of the final visual effect will have been achieved.
It is only after one full year that the final aesthetic is achieved. Mature terminal hair develops between 8 and 12 months post-operatively as the hair grows back to its normal thickness. Your hair will become longer, darker in color and thicker in diameter. The impact of a hair transplant is more dramatic when a patient has no original hair (bald) in the transplanted areas. If you had some of your original hair left, the results may be less dramatic because a new hairline has not been created. Patients will notice more refinement (blending) in the transplanted area as well as an improved fullness of hair overall.
After a year, many patients choose to undergo their second or third hair transplant to achieve a more natural look. Many patients are quite satisfied with one session, but the majority of patients will notice dramatic improvements after a second session. To find out more about a hairline solution for you, contact our hair restoration clinic in Englewood, NJ today.
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